Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In & Out: #1

I've always loved reading in & out blogs so I've decided to jump on the bandwagon & start doing them occasionally!

So without further ado here is In & Out numero uno!


False Lashes - Autumn & Winter are the seasons to wear false lashes IMO, in the summer they are OTT & too much like hard work. I still don't wear them every day but I think they give the 'wow' factor & make a look complete, perfect for party season!

Winter Wardrobe - I love dressing for winter. Comfy knitwear, scarves, boots & coats. I'm on the look out for a winter coat, a red duffle coat to be precise. I've seen loads but I'm still looking for 'the one.' I love layering & much prefer dressing for winter than summer.

The John Lewis Advert - Bit of a random one but I LOVE this advert! It's make me well up! I also love the song, It's Ellie Goulding - Your Song. I downloaded it & it's on repeat on my iPhone. If you haven't seen it, Youtube it. It's amazing!

Christmas Shopping - I love Christmas shopping! I love the experience, decorated shops, Christmas music & stopping for hot chocolate. I like wrapping presents & making them look pretty, buying presents and seeing people's reactions makes it all worth while. Yay!


Lack Of Inspiration - As I've mentioned in previous posts nothing has 'grabbed' me for the past month or so in regards to make up or beauty products. Normally when I'm out I see countless things I want to buy & have to narrow it down to only a few products but recently I've been buying very little, good for my bank balance but boring never the less.

Chapped lips - Hate, Hate, HATE! Every winter my lips become chapped & sore, not a pretty sight. I stock up on lip balms & treatments, my all time favourite has to be the original Carmex in the pot, not the tube! What are your favourite lip balms?

Cold Weather - I know, I'm a hypocrite. I love winter but hate cold weather! Is it just me that is annoyed by the fact iPhones/iPods do not work when wearing gloves?! Freezing cold hands are not nice.

So there we have it! I would love to hear about your current ins & outs in the comments below!


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