Monday, January 03, 2011

I Am Pleased To Introduce You To...

James Joshua Mills.

My gorgeous nephew.

Born 1/1/11 at 4:11pm weighing 4lb 10. What a cool birth date eh!

I know this isn't my normal type of post but he's become a huge part of my life & I wanted this blog to become more personal, I want people to learn about the girl behind the beauty and hair products.

He is a very poorly little guy. He was born 7 weeks early & was/is very tiny. He was born naturally and my amazing sister in law did it all without a single drug. Brave girl!

When he was an hour old they noticed his stomach sticks out alot more than it should do so they did some tests. It turned turned out he had a twisted bowel. He was rushed away from his mummy & family to a hospital in London where they were much better equipt to deal with the problem. He had an operation when he was a few hours old where they fixed the problem. Everything went great & he is recovering well.

We're unable to hold him at the moment but we can stroke him, when you tickle his tiny feet he wiggles!

I can't wait to hold him, cuddle him & spoil him rotten just like any aunty should!

I wasn't sure about posting this on here, I wasn't sure if it's something people would like to read but as I said, I want my readers to get to know the real me.

X x


  1. The poor little mite, he's gorgeous :) Congratulations!

  2. he is so little and cute.Congratulati,i am sure that you will be a good anty.

  3. He's beautiful! Glad to hear that he's recovering well :) xoxo

  4. He is gorgeous! My little girl was born 7 weeks early too and wasn't to well to start with but now she is an amazing 5 year old who just keeps going, Im sure if your anything like I am with my god children (no nieces or nephews yet) you will spoil him rotten!
    Im glad he is recovering well <3
    Charli xxxx

  5. Awwww he's so adorable! I'm glad the op went well :)
    This is a really sweet post! You're gonna be a brilliant aunt :) xx
