Saturday, January 29, 2011

An update on the love of my life!

I'm full of the flu today so I didn't want to scare you all with a FOTD or something equally as hideous!

Instead I thought I'd show you someone much cuter than myself, the love of my life, my gorgeous nephew!

I did a post about him around 7 weeks ago now just after he was born, he was a poorly little fella and we were all waiting with baited breath to see if he would be ok. Well, he's made an amazing recovery and came home yesterday!

He's still very little and has to take alot of medication but other than that he is a normal healthy little boy!

Now for the cute bit, the pictures, the bit you're all waiting for!

He's made me SUPER broody!!! Tut!

Hope you all have a fab Saturday, I'm spending mine on the sofa surrounded by tissues drinking lots of tea and watching movies!

X x

1 comment:

  1. awwwh he's such a cutie. Glad the little fighter finally got to go home! ^_^
