Friday, May 06, 2011

The Big 2-0!

Hi dolls! I feel like I haven't blogged in forever!

So I turned the big 20 on the 24th April, I had an amazing birthday and I thought I'd show you what I got...

What a lucky girl :)

The people from work got me the Benefit make up, they know me so well!

I got another bottle of my favourite perfume and some more charms for my Pandora bracelet.

On my actual birthday I was a very lucky girl and I got taken to Chapter 1, a local Michelin star restaurant, the food was out of this world and the cocktails were amazing, if you live in Kent you have to go at least once even if it's just to try the chocolate cocktail!

I've got the blogging bug again so expect to see many more posts from me, It's good to be back!

Sarah xx


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!! I love the gifts you got.. Lucky girl :) Hope you had a fab day! xx

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! Nice gifts! If I was of drinking age, I would definitely have a chocolate cocktail!


  3. Awh! I'd love to try Finding Mr Bright. Sounds like you had a lovely time! Restaurant sounds lush xxx

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Nice gifts!
