Sunday, July 17, 2011

MUA giveaway winner!

Good afternoon ladies!

So it's time to announce the winner of my MUA palette giveaway.

Thankyou so much for all of your entries, I wish had more than one to give away.

I've spent the last couple of hours entering all of the eligible entries into & the winner is....

Sinead over at DaintyDollyMix
Well done lovely, I'll be emailing you shortly asking for your details.

Once again I'd like to say a huuuge thankyou to everyone who entered, I've now reached over 300 followers which is insane!

I have lots more giveaways planned soon so watch this space.

Sarah xx


  1. YAY :) Thank you so much Sarah! You have made my day! I was tweeting about this palette yesterday saying i needed to get my hands on it! Cant wait to receive it & blog about it! :)

    I was reading through my old blog comments yesterday and had some lovely ones from you so just wanted to say thank you!

    Have DM'ed you my address! Thanks for holding such a fab giveaway!


  2. Ekk congrats :) What a lovely and pretty blog you got here :) Love love love it <3
