Sunday, December 04, 2011

My Christmas Wishlist 2011

Good evening ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend.

As it's exactly 3 weeks today until Christmas I thought I'd show you what's on my Christmas wishlist this year, take note Santa!

Top L-R: GHD Hair Straighteners, Soap & Glory Big Spleador, Benefit Bella Bamba.
Middle L-R: LE Viktor Rolf Flowerbomb, Macbook Air, Mac Soft & Gentle MSF.
Bottom L-R: Hermes Birkin, Harry Potter DVD set, Nars Laguna.

I know alot of it is uber expensive & I don't expect to get any of the things above but this is my dream wishlist!

These are one of my favourite types of post to read so if you have posted one please leave the link below =]

What is on your wishlist this year?

Sarah xx


  1. mine is so similar to this!
    really wanting a mac book as well :).x

  2. Flowerbomb is on my wishlist too :) but to be honest, I don't have a wishlist this year as I need money for the most part - saving up for my trip to America in April haha xx

  3. I would be extremely happy to get anything off the wishlist! hahah

    - Allie x

    Allie UK Blog

  4. Yeah, same for me Santa!
    Great wishlist :).

  5. good one! I'll be lucky if i got one thing off my wish-list!lol

  6. I love your wish list. Ive got flowerbomb on mine too which I just posted on my blog recently! lol. And you prob already know but tesco are doing all the harry potter dvds for £20 just now


  7. I'm going to create my dream wish list this week! You picked some good stuff, if only eh! A girl can dream :) hehe xxx

    Love your blog hon!

  8. I work in a department store as a sales advisor in the perfumary department and we get asked for flowerbomb all the time and its one of the selective ones we don't sell i think im going to have to try this soon! This Christmas list is a dream imagine waking up to this on Christmas morning whoooo!

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