Thursday, December 22, 2011

Walking In A Winter Wonderland...

Good evening my lovelies, I hope you're all looking forward to Christmas!

 I know I've been a really bad blogger lately, I've had an insane week at work & I've been finishing off my Christmas shopping but I'm all finished!

The lovely Jennifer over at Jennifer-Rosellen mentioned these boots on twitter a couple of days ago & I knew I had to have them!

(Sorry for the rubbish quality photo's, the lighting in the evening is shocking!)

How lovely are they?!

They actually feel quite comfortable on but I haven't taken the plunge and worn them outside yet, I'm going for Nando's & drinks with the girls from work tomorrow so I'm saving them for then!

The best bit about these boots have to be the price, they are an amazing £12!! Yep, that's right, TWELVE POUNDS!!!

The last time I checked there were plenty of pairs available in every size & they are available here.

Are you ready for Christmas?

Sarah xx


  1. Twelve pounds?! That is brilliant! They are lovely! xx

  2. I was amazed when i read the price! they were a bargain!

  3. I love love love shoes like this. I can't count how many black wedges I own haha

    - Allie x

    Allie UK Blog

  4. These shoes are to die for!

    I just started following your blog and i love it.
    this year I am trying to make my dreams come true

    follow back please?
    thank you, much appreciated <3 :)
