Switch your hoody for a simple black blazer. These tailored pieces work with everything from trousers to dresses and skirts, and have the power to smarten up an outfit in an instant. Find one to fit your newly grownup taste as well as the current trends from this season's women's jackets. Wear with a classic pencil skirt for a flattering and feminine take: experiment with colourful styles for a fun way to liven up your look.
A pair of black cigarette trousers are perfect for the office and make a great substitute for the leggings you loved in your uni days. Classy and flattering on all shapes they're a slim fit without being inappropriately tight. Choose a white blouse and pair with your blazer to create a sophisticated but youthful outfit.
Taking your first steps into the working world can be tricky enough without also worrying about what shoes to wear! It's time to say goodbye to those once-white-now-grubby-grey hi-tops that kept you company during those long winter seminars and embrace the court shoe. Working out your ideal heel height is a case of trial and error, but if you start off with a low style you can always work your way up from there. This isn't the student union club night, so five inch heels should be avoided: they may look amazing but your feet will be dead by the time it gets to five o'clock and the commute home!
Versatile pieces like blazers, cigarette trousers and court shoes can tidy up any outfit for work, so save those uni favourites for the weekends and say hello to office chic!
Sarah xx